Wednesday, October 31, 2012


After getting off the ferry in Kiel, Germany and driving through Hamburg, we ended up in Amsterdam. Thank you, Leah for talking us into spending more time there though we still wanted to stay longer.
This is the street we drove down to our hotel. We couldn't believe we could actually drive down what looked like a narrow sidewalk. Apparently all the streets are like this and there are so many on bicycles too. We nearly got run over several times while walking the streets. Here is a picture where you can see how people just park the bikes anywhere. Of course they park their cars like that too!
I didn't realize there were so many canals in Amsterdam. Made us feel like we were in Vienna! The buildings were all so classic. We couldn't stop taking pictures of them.
Of course, a visit to Amsterdam would not be complete without a trip to the red light district. Below is a picture from one of the many streets there. You would never believe what was behind all those doors. And it was midday when we were there!
 The city was just beautiful and we were sad to leave it. Parking however was atrocious. We had the choice of parking in front of the hotel or a train ride away. We chose to park in front ,though it cost us a fortune. We were able to watch our car from our bedroom window which made it all worthwhile.
 All in all, we had a great time as you can see...

1 comment:

  1. These are my favorite group of your pictures so far. ... And I've see the Scotland ones.
