Saturday, November 3, 2012


So the question is - can you take too many pictures of Stonehenge?
This was our first look at Stonehenge as we came over the was truly breathtaking....

Our first look inside the gate.

We got audio guides to listen to the story of Stonehenge as we encircled the stones.
We took pictures every time we moved around the stones or when the weather clouds changed which was about every two seconds.

This next one shows the hole from one side to the other through which you can watch the sun rise or set depending on the time of year.

This is the heel stone.

And this is the sacrificial stone.
And these were just interesting shots.

Of course, we had to get our picture with it to prove to ourselves we were really there....

This was our guest house while we stayed in Stonehenge.  Nicest hosts ever and the breakfast the next morning was as wonderfully filling as our Scottish ones!  Very similar too.

 So the answer is -  No, you can't take too many pictures of Stonehenge....

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